The results of Endowment are permanent
Fast breaking endowment

Fast breaking endowment

Share Value
150 KD
Ramadan comes with goodness. Fast breaking… the rewards of the fasting are multiplied.
Donate Amount
Qur’an Kareem service endowment

Qur’an Kareem service endowment

Share Value
250 KD
Allah’s Book is the life of the hearts, the guiding leader, if you spread it, you realize Allah’s promise to preserve it.
Donate Amount
Mosques endowment

Mosques endowment

Share Value
1000 KD
Allah’s houses are the loveliest for Him, building them is a testimony of belief, and you will be rewarded with Jannah
Donate Amount
Water wells endowment

Water wells endowment

Share Value
250 KD
Water is the best charity, and a drink of water may be the door leading you to Jannah (paradise)
Donate Amount
Da’wa centers endowment

Da’wa centers endowment

Share Value
250 KD
There is no one better in speech, and no one is the best rewarded than the one who calls to Allah, so, sponsor a preacher who calls for guidance.
Donate Amount
Al Abrar endowment for orphan care

Al Abrar endowment for orphan care

Share Value
120 KD
There is an orphan who needs your loving hand to alleviate his suffers, by your sponsorship, you can be a companion of your Prophet in Jannah (paradis
Donate Amount
Golden spike/ general endowment

Golden spike/ general endowment

Share Value
250 KD
Share in the wide charity circle of the general endowment with 250 K.D
Donate Amount
Silver spike/ general endowment

Silver spike/ general endowment

Share Value
150 KD
Share in the wide circle of general endowment with 150 K.D
Donate Amount
Good houses endowment

Good houses endowment

Share Value
120 KD
Needy families; yet asking others is more painful than being in need, so do not oblige them to ask others.
Donate Amount
One body endowment

One body endowment

Share Value
120 KD
We are a nation ordered by solidarity and cooperation among each other, and our religion is a constitution of righteous and compassion
Donate Amount
Siraj Mounir endowment

Siraj Mounir endowment

Share Value
150 KD
We embrace the young persons, help them to memorize Qur’an Kareem and plant good manners inside them.
Donate Amount
Prophet Mohamed advocating endowment

Prophet Mohamed advocating endowment

Share Value
150 KD
Our prophet, the last of prophets, whom we are ordered to love, and the purest love is to introduce his guidance and morals to all people.
Donate Amount
Al Aqsa Mosque endowment

Al Aqsa Mosque endowment

Share Value
250 KD
The first of the two Qiblahs, the third of the two Holy Mosques, and the point from which the Prophet made his heavenly journey and ascension, so shar
Donate Amount
Health Endowment

Health Endowment

Share Value
250 KD
Health blessing is known by the one who loses it, so try to alleviate his pains
Donate Amount
Scholar endowment

Scholar endowment

Share Value
120 KD
A nation whose Book begins with the command “read”, is a one that deserves to be an oasis of knowledge and a factory of scholars
Donate Amount
Kuwait endowment for Halal earning & supporting small projects

Kuwait endowment for Halal earning & supporting small projects

Share Value
150 KD
The best of deeds is facilitating Halal earning, so help a needy person to earn his living.
Donate Amount
hope necklace endowment

hope necklace endowment

Share Value
4000 KD
The most precious necklace of charity, composed of endowments, and you will be rewarded for every bead of charity.
Donate Amount
مساهمات وقفيه الرواد

مساهمات وقفيه الرواد

Share Value
150 KD
شبابنا ثروتنا، ومستقبلهم مسئوليتنا، معًا نرعاهم
Donate Amount
مساهمات وقفيه مصابيح الهدي

مساهمات وقفيه مصابيح الهدي

Share Value
120 KD
النشء هم غدنا، نحميهم لمجتمع آمن، لرعايتهم ساهم بوقفيتنا
Donate Amount